Monday 20 December 2010

Research in to art in hospitals

We have been looking at art in hospitals in a variety of ways from youtube videos to images and information on the internet. From what we have seen the art in hospitals are quite boring and simple. They are generally in the children's ward more than any other, and there has been next to no art galleries held in hospitals before.

From watching these videos you understand a little bit more about art in hospitals and the changes that need to be made and that people are now trying to change. Our art gallery will also be following this trend to try and make something that will help people heal through art and colour as well as bringing a community together to help each other and get everyone involved and included.

These are some of the very few images on google images of art in hospitals. I didn't see any pictures of art galleries so I think that the gallery would definitely be a new and different idea which not many people would have seen before. This therefore means we will have to look in to different colours that would attract people and/or imagery that people would feel comfortable yet interested in to attract them to the art gallery in the first place. 

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