Tuesday 3 January 2012

Logo with shapes

We decided on double checking that we liked the font with the different shapes:

These are our logo ideas using the orange colour however from looking at it, it looks way to yellow. We like the circle shape the best.

Before we decided on these we also played around on illustrator to make more medical style logos:

From playing with these it re-enhances that we want to use the circle logo above with the ripe font and orange colour.

Logo with shapes

We decided on double checking that we liked the font with the different shapes:

These are our logo ideas using the orange colour however from looking at it, it looks way to yellow. We like the circle shape the best.

Before we decided on these we also played around on illustrator to make more medical style logos:

From playing with these it re-enhances that we want to use the circle logo above with the ripe font and orange colour.

Wednesday 2 March 2011


In this unit, we had to create a brand for an art gallery that would be travelling between hospital to hospital across the United Kingdom. We came up with a logo, letterhead, flyer and poster for the branding and I think that it went really well.

Initially we did a lot of research in to art galleries, art in hospitals, branding in general, typefaces, logos, gallery posters and so on. Through this research we got a really good insight in to the life of art galleries and the lack of art in hospital. We also found out a lot about the symbolism and meaning behind all sorts of colours and simple shapes, and this really influenced our designs.

We decided to have a continuous colour and shape running through our whole brand. This went really well as it was relevant to the brief and also helped make a brand identity that was recognisable and interlinked well with each other as well as standing out as individual pieces of design. We wanted to create things that would make people feel warm and welcome when designing the logo and the posters etc. so we decided after a lot of colour research and shapes and symbols research to use the colour orange as our main and reoccurring theme. This was because orange is a symbol of warmth and hope, two things that are definitely needed in a hospital to counteract the cold and dull feeling that you get from walking in to a hospital. We think this worked really well as it definitely comes across through the designs and looks completely opposite to the colours, shapes and styles that you see in hospitals, therefore creating the "get-away" area that we wanted, whilst creating an atmosphere that the patients, staff, family and friends, and the general community could come together through art. I defiantly think we chose the right colours and shapes that were relevant to what we wanted to achieve and therefore our brand came out exactly how we wanted it to.

From creating the posters and flyers, we also made somethings that would put us out in to the world and advertise the gallery to the general public as well as people in and around the hospital, giving dates and places that the gallery would be visiting. This was a good idea as it lets everyone know when to come to see the gallery as well as give local designers and artists from those areas to get in contact and showcase their work.

Overall, the unit went really well for us. We met up often, especially being close friends, however the thing that we would definitely change if doing this unit again would be to use our time more constructively and maybe do even more developmental work to see if we could have advanced our designs even further.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Friday 11 February 2011


We created a flyer in a smaller version of the poster as it is a brand and everything has to be recognisable and still indivdual. The flyer has been made to advertise and inform people of the dates and the locations of the art gallery at different hospitals across the country.

It has been created in the same style with the logo, the orange colour, the circles and the complementary silver information.

Tuesday 25 January 2011


Since we have all the ground work for everything already sorted now, we have all the basics to make the flyer and posters.

This is our poster. We have created it for A3 so that it can be printed and go around the hospital and local areas advertising the event. We carried on the orange and circle them, and wrote the information in a complementary silver colour.